Blonde and brunette. Dog and cat. Lemon and onion. Friend and foam. The change has been made! You can scratch your seven-year itch freely now: Ty Segall & White Fence are become one again, regrooving what we once called
Hair into what is now Joy.

Hair grew out of a simpler time, man! If, as the dyphrenic duo indeed affirm on Joy, rock in 2018 is dead, don’t come around here looking for no burial. Instead, find Tim and Ty caught up in the commencement of on-beyond rock; arriving without traveling from the same place, occupying one single headspace, finishing the other’s phrases, pulling licks from each other’s places.

What’s more, though both these fellows have been known to trifle with tropic pasts and reactivate vintage visions within their new music, that’s not the case now. Now is the only time this time – Joy is their own sound of today, a shared individuality, prisming all possible stances into an unseamly metastasis that FLOWS for 15 ebbcentric tracks. Plus, since it ends at the beginning, it never has to stop. LOOP that shit!

Hair ↔Joy. Ty Segall & White Fence cell out! New mutations and old! Listen to the new single “Good Boy” and pre-order for July 20th.
