Bell Witch and Aerial Ruin have released their latest single from Stygian Bough Volume I in the form of the sludgy and gloopy “The Bastard Wind.”  “The Bastard Wind” is a slow slog that resolves in an epic, cathartic ending that needs to be heard and experienced.   

Of “The Bastard Wind” Moggridge explains, “I originally thought that these parts might make up an entire song but Dylan wanted to break up the more melodic ear candy material with tension building parts and came up with all the riffs in the songs middle with this in mind. The idea being the listener would be expecting the melodic stuff to continue but instead have to wade through all these edgy riffs first making the payoff bigger at the end. We ended up with a 10 minute journey into heavier and heavier material. Jesse did a great job building up the tempos that give that part this dynamic arch and gets almost mid-tempo before crashing down again. His death metal vocals in that section really bring that part home too.”
