It’s a holiday miracle! While exhuming the Death vaults, the band came across an incredible gift: a full, concert length video documentation of their 2014 performance in Paris, France. Over an hour long, the performance (captured by

Oleo Films TVM-Cineplume for avec la participation de France Televisions) is like having a personalized, one of kind live show beamed directly to the screen of your choice! A concert you can go to without changing out of your pajamas, can you imagine that?

Bobby Hackney writes:

“Upon hearing about Paris, France being on mandatory lock down where a certificate is needed to even leave the house, of course our hearts went out to Paris. But now we here in the USA are staring in the face of the same thing, and some places like California are already in the midst of this reality. We present this film of Death performing live in Paris, the entire show as a gift to all who are suffering lock down, with a special Rock-N-Roll kiss of love to all those tuning in. The best gift we can all hope for this Christmas and holiday season is the simple gift of freedom. God willing, we’ll take it in ’21”. Enjoy the gift that keeps on giving, watch the full performance today!
