The Star Wars prequel series The Acolyte has been seen as divisive since its inception. Whether you’re for or against its prequel-based storytelling or inclusivity there’s no denying that the show has left major detritus in its wake. The third episode of The Acolyte is going to upend the Star Wars universe with its depiction of the origins of the Force tonight.  It is going to do this by depicting the creation of the force as the product of lesbian space witches!  If this is the case and not some clickbait rant created by an individual known as the Critical Drinker, then what does the mean for current Star Wars canon? I’ll posit some questions that I hope will be answered in the near future below. 

Where did the space witches go?  Why aren’t there any mentions of them in any other Star Wars lore? Were they a funky group?  Can something as delightfully campy as Vampyros Lesbos be made from their origin story? At least allow me a kick-ass soundtrack so I can create my own AI version at some point in time. 

Will all Star Wars lore be retconned into the acknowledgement that said group of space witches will be referenced?  I can only hope that Disney along with the assistance of George Lucas and Dave Filoni find the time to take a good long look at what they have created and decide to reedit their creations for this inclusion.  I don’t know what my five-year-old self would have thought of this inclusion when I first watched A New Hope, but maybe I would have become a better person if it were included.  

Lastly, will there be opportunities for toys or collectibles of the aforementioned space witches?  This last question only brings up an endless array of other questions. Will I be able to maturely display my collection to fellow Star Wars fans on Insta?  Will I covet my coven? I’ll stop for the sake of sanity, but my mind is blown from the possibilities.  
